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Seoul University Bundang Hospital

Seoul National University Bundang Hospital is ranked 6th in the list of best Korean hospitals. 


Professionals of SNUBH successfully conducted the laparoscopic liver transplantation for the first time in the world and successfully treated high-level rectal cancer, showing the highest level of safety and clinical capacity.


SNUBH also successfully conducts the following operations:


  • Cervical Vertebral Surgery,


  • Robotic Surgery of Prostate Cancer,


  • Laparoscopic Surgery of Uterine Myoma (removes the myoma only without leaving a scar by keeping the uterus through laparo-endoscopic single-site surgery),


  • Thoracoscopic Surgery of Lung Cancer (88% survival rate for stage 1 lung cancer, the world's best survival rate, shortest surgery, and fast recovery),


  • Gamma-Knife Operation (the most advanced and precise surgery for treating brain tumor and cerebropathy using gamma-ray without making an incision into the skull).


Mostly developed spheres: 


* treating cancer,


* treating cranial nerve diseases,


* treating adult and senile diseases.

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